Fair Trade Ghana Network held its third annual general meeting on the 24th and 25th November,2021 at Bethel Heights Hotel. The two-day event started with an opening ceremony on Thursday which engaged its partners, stakeholders and members. The ceremony was chaired by the acting [resident of the board in the person of Mrs. Florence Blankson and accompanied by her fellow board members in the position of treasurer and secretary.

The event was moderated by Mr. Solomon Mcbanasam, an advocacy and projects officer at Fairtrade Africa. Present partners were Fair Trade Africa being represented by Mr.  on behalf of the Country Manager of the West African Network, Mr. Edward Akapire. AVSF, a donor partner who are currently implementing a project with FTGN was also represented by 2 National Technical Assistant in the person of Letitia S. Apam and James Dakora.
Other stakeholders from Shared Interest, Ghana Forestry Commission and Ministry of Food and Agriculture were present and shared their solidarity message with the organisation.

The annual reports both general and financial of the organisation was read and deliberated on for its adoption. There was also a review of 2 important documents of the organisation, being its strategic 4year plan and its constitution. A 5-member committee was set up to review thoroughly its constitution for presentation to the board and general assembly for adoption while the strategic plan was reviewed there at the meeting and successfully moved in favor for adoption.
Day 2 of the programme, purposely set aside for election of new leadership began with a roll call and introduction of delegates and nominees for various position on the board. There were self-nominations and third-party nominations. The elections were run by Mr. Michael Fummey of HPW successfully with 3 new board members voted for and 2 old nominated members revoted for. The new board elected with positions are;
Mrs Florence Blankson – President

Mr.  Gbokobi    – Vice president
Mr. Anthony Buah – Treasurer
Mr. Theophilus Kyamasi – Secretary
Mr Emmanuel Nana Kwame Addo – Organiser
These are all delegates from the certified Fairtrade organisations that form the network. We say a big congratulations to them all. May their tenure of Office yield great results for the Fairtrade Cause.

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