FTGN is membership-based organization championing sustainable agriculture and handicraft production in the fair trade environment in Ghana. It is a national network of fair trade certifed farmers, handicraft producers and hired labour organisations. The main programs we run or focus on to benefit Members
of the network are...

Objectives of FTGN

Our objectives are: 1. To promote cooperation amongst producer organizations in Ghana whose products are certified by Fairtrade, WFTO, Fair for Life, other recognized labels, as well as other organizations whose products that are fairly traded and wish to be certified.


Benefits of Membership

FTGN has been supporting its members in various ways: 1. Sponsorships to attend international trade shows, conferences, workshops and seminars.


The Equity Project

Fair Trade Ghana Network was revamped in November 2016 through the Equity Project, after a dormancy period of about two years caused by lack of funding.
